
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-10-21 10:41:37


 StudentID |名称| FatherName |图片|课程[|其他栏目......] 
1 |艾哈迈德|阿卜杜拉| Pic.png | ..剩余数据


 <! -     ASP.NET版本的代码,将其更改为您的语言   - >   
< a href = 〜/ profile / @学生.StudentID >
<! - 显示图片... - >
< img src = 〜/ images / @Student.Picture alt = 学生图片 / &gt ;
< / a >


提示:始终尝试制作单个数据表尽可能多的尝试。不要复制表中的数据,而是将每个对象(Student是一个对象)的数据保存在同一个表中,而不是为他所拥有的每个属性(Name,FatherName,Picture,Course等)创建不同的表。 )。

i have multiple images of students and those are scrolling in my website.
And i have a students table in database.Now, when i click on a particular student image in my website it will display the details of particular Student from students table.

That is a pretty much database job, to query the data about the Student. What you would do, is to create a table for a Student that will contain all of the information about him, including his picture. The table can be like this,

StudentID | Name | FatherName | Picture | Course [| other columns...]
1         | Ahmad| Abdullah   | Pic.png | .. remaining data 

.. now there are some images in your website, which (as you say) can be viewed (because you said scrolling; I assume you meant that the user can scroll to see all of the images in the website) and the image has a name (or better if it has an ID). You can create a hyperlink for those images, to direct to the profile page for the student. Like this,

<!-- ASP.NET version of code, change it to your language -->
<a href="~/profile/@Student.StudentID">
   <!-- Show the image... -->
   <img src="~/Images/@Student.Picture" alt="Student Picture" />

.. now once the user will click, he will be redirected to the Profile page, and there will be the student's ID assosiated at the end of the URL. On that page you can use that StudentID to query the database, and get all of the data assosiated to him.

Tip: Always try to make a single table as much as you can try. Do not duplicate the data inside the tables, but save the data for every object (Student is an object) inside the same table, instead of creating a different table for each of the attribute he is having (Name, FatherName, Picture, Course etc).