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更新时间:2022-10-23 11:38:51

通常如果你使用List作为Combobox datasourcs.however来克服这个问题,你可以使用

  public  Form1()

字典<字符串,字符串> dicProduct = new Dictionary< string,string>();
产品p1 = 产品();
p1.ProductName = AAA;
p1.barCode = 092132313;
产品p2 = 产品();
p2.ProductName = AAB;
p2.barCode = 092132312;
产品p3 = 产品();
p3.ProductName = AAC;
p3.barCode = 092132311;
产品p4 = 产品();
p4.ProductName = AAD;
p4.barCode = 092132310;


ComboBox combo1 = new ComboBox();
ComboBox combo2 = new ComboBox();

combo1.DataSource = new BindingSource(dicProduct, null 跨度>);
combo1.DisplayMember = Value;
combo1.ValueMember = key;

combo2.DataSource = new BindingSource(dicProduct, null );
combo2.DisplayMember = Key;
combo2.ValueMember = Value;

tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(combo1, 0 0 );
tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(combo2, 1 0 );


class 产品
public string ProductName { get ; set ; }
public string barCode { get 跨度>; set ; }

希望这有帮助!快乐编码! :)

string query = "select * from product_details";
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, connection);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.Fill(ds, "product_details");
combo1.DataSource = ds.Tables["product_details"];
combo1.DisplayMember = "barcode";
combo1.ValueMember = "product_name";

combo2.DataSource = ds.Tables["product_details"];
combo2.DisplayMember = "product_name";
combo2.ValueMember = "barcode";

First of all it is not the problem of TableLayoutPane nor even dynamic combobox rather problem of datasource you've chosen.This problem has been created because of use same datasource.
Normally if you use List  as  Combobox datasourcs.however to overcome this you can use
a simple dictionary and it won't behave so.Therefore you may use Dictionary as you Combobox datasource so that one combobox cannot mimic the other.Sample given below:

public Form1()

          Dictionary<string,string> dicProduct = new Dictionary<string,string>();
          Product p1 = new Product();
          p1.ProductName = "AAA";
          p1.barCode = "092132313";
          Product p2 = new Product();
          p2.ProductName = "AAB";
          p2.barCode = "092132312";
          Product p3 = new Product();
          p3.ProductName = "AAC";
          p3.barCode = "092132311";
          Product p4 = new Product();
          p4.ProductName = "AAD";
          p4.barCode = "092132310";

          dicProduct.Add(p1.barCode, p1.ProductName);
          dicProduct.Add(p2.barCode, p2.ProductName);
          dicProduct.Add(p3.barCode, p3.ProductName);
          dicProduct.Add(p4.barCode, p4.ProductName);

          ComboBox combo1 = new ComboBox();
          ComboBox combo2 = new ComboBox();

          combo1.DataSource = new BindingSource(dicProduct,null);
          combo1.DisplayMember = "Value";
          combo1.ValueMember = "key";

          combo2.DataSource = new BindingSource(dicProduct, null);
          combo2.DisplayMember = "Key";
          combo2.ValueMember = "Value";

          tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(combo1, 0, 0);
          tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(combo2, 1, 0);


      class Product
          public string ProductName { get; set; }
          public string barCode { get; set; }

Hope this helps!happy Coding! :)