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PSQLException:在此 ResultSet 中找不到列名 clazz_

更新时间:2022-10-27 23:02:50

In case of @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED), when you retrieve data without nativeQuery=True in JPA repository, Hibernate will execute SQL like the following:

table0_.id as id1_1_,
table0_.column2 as column2_2_1_,
... (main_table cols)
table0_1_.column1 as column1_1_0_,
... (table1 to N-1 cols)
table0_N_.column1 as column1_1_9_,
... (tableN-th cols)
CASE WHEN table0_1_.id is not null then 1
    ... (table1 to N-1 cols)
    WHEN table0_N_.id is not null then N
    WHEN table0_.id is not null then 0
    END as clazz_
FROM table table0_
left outer join table1 table0_1_ on table0_.id=table0_1_.id
... (other tables join)
left outer join table2 table0_N_ on table0_.id=table0_N_.id

From the above SQL you can see clazz specification. If you want to map ResultSet to your super instance (PlaceEntity), you should specify clazz_ column in SELECT by yourself.

In your case it will be:

@Query(value = "" +
            "SELECT *, 0 AS clazz_ " +
            "FROM place " +
            "WHERE earth_distance( " +
            "   ll_to_earth(place.latitude, place.longitude), " +
            "   ll_to_earth(:latitude, :longitude) " + 
            ") < :radius",
            nativeQuery = true)