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更新时间:2022-10-29 17:13:45

code> transform(items:any,term:any):any {
if(term === undefined)return items;

return items.filter(function(Product){
return Product.prdName.toLowerCase()。includes(term.toLowerCase());

i'm trying to make a custom filter pipe by following this link, but i got error that said Angular, TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined. I already imported the pipe to app.module.ts and also declared it in declaration. Can anyone help me with this error?

<form id="filter">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" name="term" [(ngModel)]="term" placeholder="filter by name" />

<tr *ngFor="let product of productList | paginate: { itemsPerPage: 1, currentPage: p } | filter: term">

  name: 'filter'

transform(prdName: any, term: any): any {
    if (term === undefined) return prdName;

    return prdName.filter(function(Product) {
      return Product.name.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase());

try like this :

transform(items: any, term: any): any {
    if (term === undefined) return items;

    return items.filter(function(Product) {
        return Product.prdName.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase());

