
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-23 23:11:25


The most important thing about the dynamic cast is that it should be applied to a polymorphic type. Without that, dynamic cast works like a static cast.


What is a polymorphic type? Any class that has at least one virtual method or virtual destructor or virtual base class is polymorphic. Only those types have a virtual method table (VMT) in their data layout. Classes that do not have anything virtual do not have VMT's. The standard does not say how polymorphism and virtual methods should be implemented, yet all compilers, as far as I know, do this.


In your examples classes are not polymorphic. In my opinion, it would be better if compilers would issue an error when the dynamic cast is applied to a non-polymorphic type. Nevertheless, they do not do this. This adds to the confusion.


VMT pointers for all classes are different. This means that on the runtime looking at:

Animal* animal;

有可能知道对象的真实类是什么.是 Bird 还是 Dog 还是其他东西.从VMT的值知道真实类型,如果需要,生成的代码可以进行调整.

it is possible to know what the real class of the object is. Is it a Bird or a Dog or something else. Knowing the real type from the value of VMT, generated code can make an adjustment if this is needed.


class Animal   { virtual ~Animal();   int m1; };
class Creature { virtual ~Creature(); int m2; };

class Bird : public Animal, Creature { };

Bird *bird = new Bird();
Creature *creature = dynamic_cast<Creature*>(bird);


Note that creature is not the first base class. This means that the pointer will be shifted to point to the right part of the object. Nevertheless, the following will still be working:

Animal *animal = dynamic_cast<Animal*>(creature);   // Case2.


because VMT of Creature when it is part of other class will not be the same to VMT of the object when it is used stand-alone:

Creature *creature1 = new Creature();

这种区别允许动态转换的正确实现.在示例 Case2 中,指针将向后移.我测试了这个.这行得通.

This distinction allows a proper implementation of a dynamic cast. In the example Case2 the pointer will be shifted back. I tested this. This works.