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带有ObservableCollection< T>的Silverlight ListBox和动态过滤器

更新时间:2022-10-30 17:06:59




 < phone:PhoneApplicationPage.Resources> 
< CollectionViewSource x:Key =src/>
< / phone:PhoneApplicationPage.Resources>


 < ListBox x:Name =MyListBoxItemsSource ={Binding Source = {StaticResource src}}> 


  var collectionView = this.Resources [src]作为CollectionViewSource; 
collectionView.Source = observableCollectionThatIAmBindingTo;
collectionView.View.Filter = new Predicate< Object>(o =>((ItemType)o).IsActive);

此外,您可能需要查看Bea Stollnitz关于该主题的文章:

http://bea.stollnitz.com/blog /?p = 31


Lets say I have this class:

public class MyData
    public bool IsActive{get;set;}
    public String Data1 {get;set;}
    public String Data2 {get;set;}

and an

ObservableCollection<MyData> data = new ObservableCollection<MyData>;
ListBox.ItemsSource = data;

Adding items to the ObservableCollectionworks as expected; however, I want to make sure that my listbox only displays items where IsActive is set to 'true' -- I can't use a Linq query to set the ItemsSource because then its not an ObservableCollection, its IEnumerable and does not do any update notifications to the listbox.

Your answer is CollectionViewSource. Instead of binding to the list, bind to an instance of CollectionViewSource.

A slightly degenerate example follows (I am not sure if you're using ViewModels, Locators, etc to resolve your data and your list.)

Assume in your markup you have a CollectionViewSource declared in your resources as follows:

    <CollectionViewSource x:Key="src"/>

Then your list binding looks like:

<ListBox x:Name="MyListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource src}}">

Finally, in code you can marry your list and your collection view source:

        var collectionView = this.Resources["src"] as CollectionViewSource;
        // Check for null, etc.
        collectionView.Source = observableCollectionThatIAmBindingTo;
        collectionView.View.Filter=new Predicate<Object>(o => ((ItemType)o).IsActive );

Additionally, you may want to check out Bea Stollnitz' articles on the topic at:

