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使用Maven Jetty插件时如何过滤资源?

更新时间:2022-10-31 16:54:19


  1. 将maven-jetty-plugin升级到至少6.1.12

  1. Upgrade maven-jetty-plugin to at least 6.1.12


See this wiki page on 'Configuring Multiple WebApp Source Directory' (available since jetty-6.1.12.rc2 and jetty-7.0.0pre3)


Add some magic to pom.xml:

首先,为过滤后的网络资源添加一个新目录(src/main/webResources),并添加一个< resource>元素:

First, add a new directory (src/main/webResources) for your filtered web resources and add a <resource> element:



That will copy the files to target/jettyFilteredResources (we will reference this later). This directory will NOT get copied to your packaged WAR file, it is for jetty only!

在您的maven-war-plugin< configuration>中添加以下元素元素:

Add the following element to your maven-war-plugin <configuration> element:



That will ensure everything is packaged up for your real WAR file.

最后,通过将以下代码段添加到您的< baseResource>中,告诉Jetty使用您专门为其复制的资源.元素:

Finally, tell jetty to use the resources your copied especially for it, by added the following snippet to your <baseResource> element:

<baseResource implementation="org.mortbay.resource.ResourceCollection">                        

现在一切都会正常! (嗯,从技术上讲,我还没有测试过生产中的战争,但是……等等……它也应该工作).

Now everything will worketh! (Well, technically I haven't tested the production WAR yet, but ... blah ... it should work too).


If anyone has a better answer, I will accept it provided the answer is provided in a reasonable amount of time (say 1 day).