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Spring Cloud配置服务器与领事之间的区别?

更新时间:2022-11-03 14:07:29

两者均从远程服务器向Spring Boot应用程序提供服务.Config Server从多个来源聚合配置:git,svn,sql数据库,Vault和credhub.Spring Cloud Consul提供配置以直接从consul键值存储区启动应用程序.如果您已经在基础架构中拥有领事,则无需运行配置服务器即可简化操作.

Both serve configuration from remote servers to spring boot applications. Config Server aggregates configuration from multiple sources: git, svn, sql databases, vault and credhub. Spring Cloud Consul serves configuration to boot apps directly from the consul key-value store. If you already have consul in your infrastructure, it would simplify things by not having to run config server.