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是否可以在没有 Vue 的情况下使用 Vuex?(Vuex 服务器端?)

更新时间:2022-11-03 18:49:33

TL;DR 你可以在 node 中完美地使用 Vuex(没有浏览器),即使是单元测试.不过在内部,Vuex 仍然使用 Vue 的一些代码.

TL;DR you can perfectly use Vuex in node (without a browser), even for unit testing. Internally, though, Vuex still uses some code from Vue.

没有 Vue,你就不能使用 Vuex.因为:

You can't use Vuex without Vue. Because:

话虽如此,您确实需要 Vue,但您不需要 Vue 实例.您甚至不需要浏览器.

That being said, you do require Vue, but you don't require a Vue instance. You don't even require the browser.


So yes, it is pretty usable in the server-side, standalone.

例如,您可以使用 Node.js 运行它,如下所示:

For instance, you could run it using Node.js as follows:

  • 创建示例项目:

  • Create a sample project:

npm init -y

  • 安装依赖项(注意:axios 不是必需的,我们只是为了这个演示添加它):

  • Install the dependencies (note: axios is not necessary, we are adding it just for this demo):

    npm install --save vue vuex axios

  • 创建脚本 (index.js):

    const axios = require('axios');
    const Vue = require('vue');
    const Vuex = require('vuex');
    const store = new Vuex.Store({
      strict: true,
      state: {name: "John"},
      mutations: {
        changeName(state, data) {
            state.name = data
      actions: {
        fetchRandomName({ commit }) {
          let randomId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 12) + 1  ;
          return axios.get("https://reqres.in/api/users/" + randomId).then(response => {
            commit('changeName', response.data.data.first_name)
      getters: {
        getName: state => state.name,
        getTransformedName: (state) => (upperOrLower) => {
          return upperOrLower ? state.name.toUpperCase() : state.name.toLowerCase()
    console.log('via regular getter:', store.getters.getName);
    console.log('via method-style getter:', store.getters.getTransformedName(true));
    store.commit('changeName', 'Charles');
    console.log('after commit:', store.getters.getName);
    store.dispatch('fetchRandomName').then(() => {
        console.log('after fetch:', store.getters.getName);

  • 运行它:

  • Run it:

    node index.js

  • 它会输出:

  • It will output:

    via regular getter: John
    via method-style getter: JOHN
    after commit: Charles
    after fetch: Byron