
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-11-05 07:42:22

我能够在Visual Studio 2010中得到这个工作。

I was able to get this working in Visual Studio 2010.

与鲁斯兰的帖子从这里开始并下载2.0智能感知文件。然后,只要按照他贴previously 这里的方向。我只落得这样做运行以下命令,指示鲁斯兰:

Start with Ruslan's post here and download the 2.0 IntelliSense file. Then, just follow the directions he posted previously here. All I ended up doing was running the following command as Ruslan instructs:

C:\\ download_directory \\ rewrite2_intellisense> CSCRIPT UpdateSchemaCache.js

由于克里斯托夫在他的评论中指出,要确保在运行前更换 VS90COMNTOOLS VS100COMNTOOLS 在UpdateSchemaCache.js上面的命令,如果你正在使用Visual Studio 2010。

As Christoph points out in his comment, make sure you replace VS90COMNTOOLS with VS100COMNTOOLS in UpdateSchemaCache.js before running the above command if you are using Visual Studio 2010.

我并不需要重新启动Visual Studio。我加了<&改写GT; 部分只适用的Web.config文件转型,因为有它在主Web.config中打破本地调试

I did not need to restart Visual Studio. I added the <rewrite> section only to the applicable Web.config transformation files, as having it in the main Web.config breaks local debugging.