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使用Api Gateway(Lambda函数)将图像上传到S3存储桶

更新时间:2022-11-07 09:21:37


When uploading objects to S3 that should be opened in a web browser, you need to set the correct content type. When S3 serves your object, the content type you set will be sent as a HTTP header.

Web浏览器使用 MIME类型确定如何处理URL,而不是文件扩展名.

Web browsers use MIME types to determine how to process URLs, not file extensions.


In your case, the content type is missing from the parameters your are passing to s3.upload. Moreover, the key is incorrect.


const params = {
  Bucket: 'bucket-name',
  Key: fileFullName // must be a path within your bucket and not an url like you have in fileFullPath,
  Body: buffer,
  ContentType: fileMime.mime // Sets the content type header, without this your browser cannot infer the type (browsers use mime types, not file extensions)