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更新时间:2021-12-26 23:20:49

numpy_indexed 软件包包含有效的(通常为nlogn)和矢量化解决方案来解决这些类型的问题:

The numpy_indexed package contains efficient (nlogn, generally) and vectorized solutions to these types of problems:

import numpy_indexed as npi
count = len(npi.intersection(a, b))


Note that this is subtly different than your double loop, discarding duplicate entries in a and b for instance. If you want to retain duplicates in b, this would work:

count = npi.in_(b, a).sum()


Duplicate entries in a could also be handled by doing npi.count(a) and factoring in the result of that; but anyway, im just rambling on for illustration purposes since I imagine the distinction probably does not matter to you.