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C ++抽象类析构函数

更新时间:2022-11-09 22:46:16



Having only a pure virtual destructor in the base class is rarely a good practice, but it is possible and, in certain cases, even desirable.
For instance, if you rely on RTTI to dispatch messages to a subclass object by attempting a dynamic_cast on the pointer to the base class, you may need no methods in the base class except the destructor. In this case, make the destructor public virtual.


在这里,至关重要的是向该析构函数提供空的主体(即使它是 = 0!)

Since you have no other virtual methods except the destructor, you have to make it pure in order to prevent the creation of the objects of the base class.
Here, it is crucial to provide the empty body to that destructor (even though it is "=0"!)

struct AbstractBase {
     virtual ~AbstractBase() = 0;

AbstractBase::~AbstractBase() {


Having the body allows the creation of subclass objects (provided that the subclass defines the destructor and does not set it as pure).