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Web服务API密钥和Ajax - 保护的关键

更新时间:2021-11-18 00:06:03


(I suggest tagging this post "security".)


First, you should be clear about what you're protecting against. Can you trust the client at all? A crafty user could stick a Greasemonkey script on your page and call exactly the code that your UI calls to send requests. Hiding everything in a Javascript closure only means you need a debugger; it doesn't make an attack impossible. Firebug can trace HTTPS requests. Also consider a compromised client: is there a keylogger installed? Is the entire system secretly running virtualized so that an attacker can inspect any part of memory at any time at their leisure? Security when you're as exposed as a webapp is is really tricky.


Nonetheless, here are a few things for you to consider:

  1. 不考虑实际使用的键,但是,例如,你给后立即身份验证令牌,而HMAC哈希值。

  1. Consider not actually using keys but rather HMAC hashes of, e.g., a token you give immediately upon authentication.


DOM storage can be a bit harder to poke at than cookies.

看一看谷歌的执行情况的OAuth 2 一个例如安全模型。基本上你使用令牌仅适用于在有限的时间(也许是为一个单一的IP地址)。即使标记被截取或克隆方式,它是唯一有效的时间长度短。当然,你需要小心你做什么,当令牌用完;攻击者可能只是做同样的事情,你的code做,并获得新的有效令牌?

Have a look at Google's implementation of OAuth 2 for an example security model. Basically you use tokens that are only valid for a limited time (and perhaps for a single IP address). That way even if the token is intercepted or cloned, it's only valid for a short length of time. Of course you need to be careful about what you do when the token runs out; could an attacker just do the same thing your code does and get a new valid token?


Don't neglect server-side security: even if your client should have checked before submitting the request, check again on the server if the user actually has permission to do what they're asking. In fact, this advice may obviate most of the above.