
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-11-14 08:12:03

来自@David A 的方法很酷,但如上所述,有一个陷阱: f32 & f64 不实现 Ord :: cmp 。 (这在您所知的地方确实很痛苦。)

The approach from @David A is cool, but as mentioned, there's a catch: f32 & f64 do not implement Ord::cmp. (Which is really a pain in your-know-where.)

有多种解决方法:您可以实现 cmp 自己,也可以使用 ordered-float 等。

There are multiple ways of solving that: You can implement cmp yourself, or you can use ordered-float, etc..

是更大项目的一部分,我们在使用外部软件包时非常小心。此外,我很确定我们没有任何 NaN 值。因此,我宁愿使用 fold ,如果您仔细查看 max_by_key 源代码,它们就是它们的意思。

In my case, this is a part of a bigger project and we are very careful about using external packages. Besides, I am pretty sure we don't have any NaN values. Therefore I would prefer using fold, which, if you take a close look at the max_by_key source code, is what they have been using too.

for (i, row) in matrix.axis_iter(Axis(1)).enumerate() {
    let (max_idx, max_val) =
            .fold((0, row[0]), |(idx_max, val_max), (idx, val)| {
                if &val_max > val {
                    (idx_max, val_max)
                } else {
                    (idx, *val)