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更新时间:2022-11-14 15:11:57


  = SUM(INDEX(UNIQUE(IF(SUBTOTAL(2,OFFSET(A2:A9,ROW(A2:A9)-ROW(A2),1,1)),A2:B9)),,2)) 


  = SUM(INDEX(UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:B9,(A2:A9"Product_A")**(A2:A9"Product_C"))),0,2)) 

With reference to this quesion in Cell B1 I use the formula =SUM(INDEX(UNIQUE(A2:B9),,2)) in order to only sumup the unique values per product.

All this works perfectly.

Now, I set a filter in Column A and exclude for example Product_A and Product_C from the list:

As you can see the 1.900 in Cell B1 remains. However, I only want to apply the formula in Cell B1 to the filtered data which means that - in this case - the value in Cell B1 should be 1.000.

Normally, I could achieve this with a SUBTOTAL formula but I do not have any clue how I can combine the UNIQUE and INDEX function with the SUBTOTAL.

Bit of a stretch to be honest:


You could always just avoid the volatile function and use:
