
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-11-15 13:18:34


Your Apache installation is likely set up to run with SECURE privileges mode. This means that the Apache child worker process is forked and privileges dropped before handling the request, which in this case is simply trying to proxy the request through to the mod_wsgi daemon process. The consequence of this is that it cannot connect to the socket for the daemon process, as it was setup with ownership to match the original Apache child worker process before privileges were dropped.

这很明显,因为错误消息中的 uid 在普通用户范围内,而不是特殊的 apache nobody 用户。

This is evident because the error message has uid in the range of a normal user and not the special apache or nobody user.

要修复此问题,您需要修改 WSGIDaemonProcess 指令配置并添加选项:

To fix it, you need to modify the WSGIDaemonProcess directive configuration and add the option:




其中用户名替换为实际名称的用户,其中 uid 3708

where username is replaced with the actual name of the user with uid of 3708.


The addition of this option seems to be required due to recent changes in CPanel configurations for Apache.