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使用 Spring Boot 配置 ViewResolver 和注解给出了没有为 HTTP 请求找到映射,URI 错误

更新时间:2022-01-26 23:56:48

您只需要启用默认的 servlet,这可以通过将以下内容添加到您的 MvcConfiguration 中来完成:

You only need to enable the default servlet, this is done by adding the following to your MvcConfiguration:

public class MvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter{
    public ViewResolver getViewResolver() {
        InternalResourceViewResolver resolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
        return resolver;

    public void configureDefaultServletHandling(
            DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) {

本质上发生的事情是 Spring 不知道如何在本机处理此类内容(可能是 jsp 说的),而这种配置是告诉它委托给容器的方式.

Essentially what is happening is Spring does not know how to handle the handling of such content natively(could be a jsp say), and to this configuration is the way to tell it to delegate it to the container.