
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-11-17 11:34:42

所有支持库都删除了v4 v7 v12 v13 etc标签,所有内容都重构为androidx包.

All the support libraries are dropping the v4 v7 v12 v13 etc tags and everything is refactored into the androidx packages.


They are essentially the same but for future reference androidx will be the library that we should use in our apps.

本周(2018年5月14日这一周)发布的Android Studio 3.2 Canary应该具有允许自动重构androidx软件包的工具.在Google I/O 2018上有关于此的公告.

Android studio 3.2 canary that comes out this week (week of May 14, 2018) should have the tool that allows automatic refactoring to the androidx packages. There was an announcement about this at google i/o 2018.