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如何为“foreach"使用列表集合在 SSIS

更新时间:2022-11-20 23:30:11


You have to declare two SSIS variables

  • 集合变量(For each 枚举器的来源)
  • 一项的变量(在枚举器中使用)

假设您有一个 List 并且您需要遍历它的项目.以下是如何操作的示例:

Let's say you have a List<string> and you need to iterate through its items. Here is a sample how to do it:

  1. 在 SSIS 变量窗口中创建名为col"的变量,键入object"
  2. 创建名为s"的变量,输入string"
  3. 创建一个示例脚本任务,该任务将填充col"集合并将User::col"变量添加到任务 ReadWriteVariables 列表中.脚本主体如下:

  1. in SSIS variables window create variable named "col", type "object"
  2. create variable named "s", type "string"
  3. create a sample script task that will fill the "col" collection and add the "User::col" variable to list of the tasks ReadWriteVariables. The script body would be following:

List<string> col = new List<string>() {"One", "Two", "Three"};
Dts.Variables["User::col"].Value = col;

  • 创建一个 Foreach 循环容器并将其配置为在变量User::Col"上键入From variable enumator".

  • create a Foreach loop container and configure it to type "From variable enumator" over variable "User::Col".

    在 Foreach 容器中创建一个示例脚本任务,演示迭代的消耗(将User::s"添加到任务的 ReadOnlyVariables).脚本主体如下:

    create a sample script task within the Foreach container, demonstrating consuming of the iteration (add the "User::s" to task's ReadOnlyVariables). The script body would be following:

    string val = (string)Dts.Variables["User::s"].Value;

  • 在 BIDS 中按 F5 执行示例.它应该显示三个对话框,文本为一"、二"、三".
  • 注意:脚本示例是用 C# 为 BIDS 2008 编写的.

    Note: the script samples are written in c# for BIDS 2008.