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使用 JSON.NET 将属性反序列化为 ExpandoObject

更新时间:2022-11-22 20:15:35


Container container = new Container
    Data = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Text", "Hello world" } }

string jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(container);

var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ExpandoObject>(jsonText, new ExpandoObjectConverter());

我发现这样做可以从对 DeserializeObject 的调用中获得一个 ExpandoObject.我认为您提供的代码的问题在于,当您提供 ExpandoObjectConverter 时,您要求 Json.Net 反序列化 Container,所以我认为 ExpandoObjectConverter 没有被使用.

I found that doing this got me an ExpandoObject from the call to DeserializeObject. I think the issue with the code you have provided is that while you are supplying an ExpandoObjectConverter, you are asking Json.Net to deserialize a Container, so I would imagine that the ExpandoObjectConverter is not being used.

如果我用 [JsonConverter(typeof(ExpandoObjectConverter))] 装饰 Data 属性并使用代码:

If I decorate the Data property with [JsonConverter(typeof(ExpandoObjectConverter))] and use the code:

var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Container>(jsonText);

然后将 Data 属性反序列化为一个 ExpandoObject,而 obj 是一个 Container.

Then the Data property is deserialized to an ExpandoObject, while obj is a Container.