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Swift – 使用 popViewController 并将数据传递给您要返回的 ViewController

更新时间:2022-11-24 15:46:05

所以我想通了,主要来自这篇文章 - http://makeapppie.com/2014/09/15/swift-swift-programmatic-navigation-view-controllers-in-swift/

So I figured it out, based mostly from this post – http://makeapppie.com/2014/09/15/swift-swift-programmatic-navigation-view-controllers-in-swift/

SecondViewController 中,在类声明上方,添加以下代码:

In SecondViewController, above the class declaration, add this code:

protocol SecondVCDelegate {
    func didFinishSecondVC(controller: SecondViewController)


Then inside of SecondViewContoller add a class variable:

var 委托:MeditationVCDelegate!= 无


Then inside of your function that your button targets, add this:


我们在这里所做的是在 SecondViewController 中弹出,并且传递任何数据,但是由于我们已经定义了一个协议,我们将在 ViewController 中使用它来处理数据.

What we're doing here is doing the pop in SecondViewController, and not passing any data, but since we've defined a protocol, we're going to use that in ViewController to handle the data.

接下来,在 ViewController 中,将您在 SecondViewController 中定义的协议添加到 ViewController 继承自的类列表中:

So next, in ViewController, add the protocol you defined in SecondViewController to the list of classes ViewController inherits from:

class ViewController: UIViewController, SecondVCDelegate { ... your code... }

您需要添加我们在新协议中定义的函数,以使编译器满意.在 ViewController 的类中,添加:

You'll need to add the function we defined in the new protocol in order to make the compiler happy. Inside of ViewController's class, add this:

func didFinishSecondVC(controller: SecondViewController) {
    self.myBoolVar = true

在我们调用 didFinishSecondVCSecondViewController 中,我们在 ViewController 类中调用此方法,我们是控制器突然出现.这类似于我们在 SecondViewController 中编写此代码,但我们已将其编写在 ViewController 中,并且我们使用委托来管理两者之间的消息传递.

In SecondViewController where we're calling didFinishSecondVC, we're calling this method inside of the ViewController class, the controller we're popping to. It's similar to if we wrote this code inside of SecondViewController but we've written it inside of ViewController and we're using a delegate to manage the messaging between the two.


Finally, in ViewController, in the function we're targeting to push to SecondViewController, add this code:

let secondVC = secondViewController()
secondVC.delegate = self
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondVC, animated: true)


That's it! You should be all set to pass code between two view controllers without using storyboards!