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SQL Server Express连接到.mdf文件

更新时间:2022-11-25 13:01:52

我借助Yair M对

I managed to solve this problem with the aid of an answer by Yair M to this question.

我首先使用控制面板->程序和工具,以物理方式卸载了与我的SQL Server 2012版本相对应的v11.0之外的所有版本的LocalDb.功能.

I first physically uninstalled all versions of LocalDb aside from the v11.0 one which corresponded to my version of SQL Server 2012, using the Control Panel --> Programs & Features.


Then using the command line, I issued the following commands:


sqllocaldb delete "v11.0"


sqllocaldb create "v11.0"


This solved the issue where the file based instance of LocalDb was being wiped and not re-created when I tried to register a new user.


At this point I could register a new user without any error messages. However, I wanted to move away from LocalDB.


So, I created an empty database in SSMS and attached the .mdf file to it. I updated my connection string to use an actual DB and Integrated Security (for local development). I got some permissions errors when running the app, but was able to remedy this by creating a new user and giving it read and write access.

<add name="DefaultConnection" 
  connectionString="Initial Catalog=DevilsTower;Data Source=Development;Integrated Security=SSPI;" 
    providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />