
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

可观察的<{}>不可分配给类型 Observable

更新时间:2022-11-30 11:57:45


I think that your problem is located here:

getRisks(): Observable<RiskListSummary[]> {
  return this.http.get(this.serviceUrl)
     .map(this.extractData()) <== passing result of function
     .catch(this.handleError()); <== passing result of function

你可以只使用传递 function 引用:

You could use just passing function reference:

getRisks(): Observable<RiskListSummary[]> {
  return this.http.get(this.serviceUrl)


或者你可以使用 bind 方法保留this:

Or you could use bind method to retain this:

getRisks(): Observable<RiskListSummary[]> {
  return this.http.get(this.serviceUrl)


我会利用 arrow 函数来能够使用词法this:

I would leverage arrow functions to be able to use lexical this:

getRisks(): Observable<RiskListSummary[]> {
  return this.http.get(this.serviceUrl)
    .map(res => this.extractData(res))
    .catch(err => this.handleError(err));

没有它,this 变量将指向进行调用的函数,而不是包含 getRisks() 的实例.

Without it, the this variable will point to the function where the call is made, instead of the instance that contains getRisks().