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如何在< option>中显示图像由< h:selectOneMenu>呈现的元素标签

更新时间:2022-11-30 12:11:03


It is impossible to embed images within JSF's <h:selectOneMenu>/<f:selectItem>/<f:selectItems>, as there are no attributes designed for that purpose. Moreover, there is hardly a cross-browser compatible solution for that.


Though you could use a component library for that, like PrimeFaces. It has <p:selectOneMenu> component that basically wraps <select>/<option> with some HTML/jQuery magic, so that a 'substitute' is displayed onscreen. Example usage can be found in a showcase example. To recite it:

<p:selectOneMenu value="#{autoCompleteBean.selectedPlayer2}" converter="player" var="p">  
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Select One" itemValue="" />  
    <f:selectItems value="#{autoCompleteBean.players}" var="player" itemLabel="#{player.name}" itemValue="#{player}"/>  

        <p:graphicImage value="/images/barca/#{p.photo}" width="40" height="50"/>  

        #{p.name} - #{p.number}  


Of course, you can load the images in a different manner.