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Windows7 64位和Office 64位上的LinqToExcel

更新时间:2022-12-01 15:08:07

您需要安装Access数据库引擎.更多详细信息 Office Microsoft Access数据库引擎2010可再发行 >

如果您的项目使用x86 LinqToXml,则安装x86,否则安装x64版本的Access Database Engine.对于x64 Windows和x64 Office,也可以使用x86 LinqToXml和Access数据库引擎.


  • Win 64,Office 64,Access数据库引擎64,LinqToXml 64和输出目标项目x64
  • Win 64,Office 64,Access数据库引擎x86,LinqToXml x86并输出目标Any CPU.

I have created windows forms application using linqtoexcel to read excel files it runs fine on windows 7 32/64 bit with office 32 bit but on windows 64 bit with office 64 it throws 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine

Can anyone help me how I can run my application on 64bit office

You need to install Access Database Engine. More details Office Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

If your project use x86 LinqToXml install x86 otherwise x64 version of Access Database Engine. For x64 Windows and x64 Office can be used also x86 LinqToXml and Access Database Engine.

I successfully test this on

  • Win 64, Office 64, Access Database Engine 64, LinqToXml 64 and output target project x64
  • Win 64, Office 64, Access Database Engine x86, LinqToXml x86 and output target Any CPU.