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在新窗口中运行 powershell

更新时间:2022-12-02 21:06:23

使用 start 命令.在 CMD 提示中,尝试:

Use the start command. In a CMD prompt, try:

启动 powershell -noexit -command "get-date"

对于开始/运行(或 Win+r)提示,请尝试:

For Start/Run (or Win+r) prompt, try:

cmd/c start powershell -noexit -command "get-date"

-noexit 会告诉 Powershell,嗯,不要退出.如果省略此参数,将执行该命令,您可能只会看到 Powershell 窗口的一瞥.对于交互式使用,这是必须的.对于脚本,不需要.

The -noexit will tell Powershell to, well, not to exit. If you omit this parameter, the command will be executed and you are likely to just see a glimpse of a Powershell window. For interactive use, this is a must. For scripts it is not needed.

start 是 CMD 的内部命令.在 Powershell 中,它是 Start-Process 的别名.这些不是一回事.

start is an internal command for CMD. In Powershell it is an alias for Start-Process. These are not the same thing.


As for why the window is black, that's because the shortcut for Powershell.exe is configured to set the background blue.