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使用PHP / SQL - 我怎么可以点击列表中的一个项目,显示assoicated到单击项目的项目另一个列表

更新时间:2022-12-03 14:04:44

code一边(mysql_ * == MUCHO德precato)的问题,您需要检查,如果该请求是AJAX和输出时listItems。


 < PHP

/ * AJAX请求* /
如果(空($ _ SERVER ['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])及!&安培;
        用strtolower($ _ SERVER ['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])=='xmlhtt prequest')
    $查询= sprintf的(SELECT * FROM listItems中的WHERE父=%d的,
            mysql_real_escape_string($ _ REQUEST ['父']));
    $时listItems =请求mysql_query($查询)
    的printf(< H3>清单%D项目< / H3>',$ _REQUEST ['父']);
    而($信息= mysql_fetch_array($ listItems中))
        回声$信息['了itemname'。< BR />中;

/ *正常的请求* /

< D​​IV ID =名单>
    < H3>列表< / H3>
    < PHP
    $名单=请求mysql_query(SELECT * FROM表)
    而($信息= mysql_fetch_array($清单))
        回声&所述; A HREF = \#\>中$信息['LISTNAME']。&所述; / a取代;&所述峰; br />中;
< / DIV>

< D​​IV ID ='listItems中的'>
< / DIV>

&LT;脚本的src =// ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>

Possible Duplicate:
How can I refresh a detail select list when my master select changes using AJAX

I'm just working learning PHP again after some time away and after looking around think I need to use JS/ajax to make this happen which I intend to learn more about after I get more comforable with PHP. I would like to learn how to do this for some thing I am working on now.

I have a table of parent items which I display as a list of links. When a parent item is clicked I want the child items of the clicked parent to be displayed in another list. I can get the 2 lists to display with simple queries I just don't know how to get the page/sql query to update when clicked.

<?php require ('connection.inc.php'); ?>

<div id="lists">
    $lists = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") 
    or die(mysql_error());
    while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $lists )) 
    echo "<a href=\"#\">".$info['ListName']."</a><br />";

<div id='listitems'>
    <h3>List <?php $parent=2; echo $parent?> Items</h3> 
    $listitems = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM listitems WHERE parent=$parent") 
    or die(mysql_error()); 
    while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $listitems )) 
    echo $info['itemName']."<br />";

Code issues aside (mysql_* == mucho deprecato), you need to check if the request is AJAX and output listitems.

I used jquery to simplify the ajax request.

require ('connection.inc.php');

/* AJAX request */
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && 
        strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest')
    $query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM listitems WHERE parent=%d',
    $listitems = mysql_query($query)
            or die(mysql_error()); 
    printf('<h3>List %d Items</h3>', $_REQUEST['parent']);
    while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $listitems )) 
        echo $info['itemName']."<br />";

/* Normal request */

<div id="lists">
    $lists = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") 
            or die(mysql_error());
    while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $lists )) 
        echo "<a href=\"#\">".$info['ListName']."</a><br />";

<div id='listitems'>

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
     $('#lists').delegate('a', 'click', function(){
         $('#listitems').load(window.location.pathname, {parent: $(this).text()});
         return false;