
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-04 21:13:08


There are two different ways to create a heap dump:

  1. 使用动态附加机制(jmap这样做),或
  2. 使用 Serviceability Agent ()
  1. from inside JVM process using Dynamic Attach Mechanism (jmap does so), or
  2. from the external process using Serviceability Agent (jmap -F)

在两种情况下,堆转储中的对象ID都是创建转储时对象的内存地址.以下是相关的HotSpot源代码: [1]

In both cases the object ID in the heap dump is the memory address of an object at the moment of creating the dump. Here is the relevant HotSpot source code: [1] and [2].


However, this object ID is meaningless outside the dump file, because objects can move in memory during Garbage Collection.


The other problem is that it's difficult (or even impossible) to get a reliable address of a Java object from within Java application - again, because the objects may move along the heap and because the representation of object references can vary between different architectures, environments and JVM options, e.g. depending on heap size, UseCompressedOops etc. Here is an example of getting an object address from within Java application, but this is not guaranteed to work on all JVM versions.