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更新时间:2022-01-12 01:43:19


Noise is indeed a problem in image analysis where you try and find intensity maxima. As with any other task in image analysis, you can improve the final results with pre-processing of the image and post-processing of the results of the algorithm.

作为局部最大检测之前的预处理步骤,您可以对图像进行去噪,即过滤图像以抑制一些虚假的最大值( imfilter 是您可能想要查看的功能)。

As pre-processing step before the local maximum detection, you de-noise the image, i.e. you filter the image to suppress some of the spurious maxima (imfilter is a function you may want to look into).


The de-noising never gets rid of all the noise, so when you do the local maximum detection, you still pick up a number of unwanted maxima. Thus, you apply some kind of heuristic to distinguish between 'good' and 'bad' local maxima. For example, you can apply an intensity threshold, below which you discard all maxima.

您可以在此找到一个很好的评论: Smal et al。荧光显微镜中斑点检测方法的定量比较。 IEEE Trans Med Imaging(2010)vol。 29(2)pp.282-301

You find a nice review of this here: Smal et al. Quantitative comparison of spot detection methods in fluorescence microscopy. IEEE Trans Med Imaging (2010) vol. 29 (2) pp. 282-301