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在 Windows 8.1 上运行 Windows 10 通用应用

更新时间:2022-12-07 10:40:20


The answer would be no. For further clarifications, best to post on the forum: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/home?forum=wpdevelop

Windows 10 引入了几个在 Windows 8.1 上不可用的新 API 和概念(例如 API 合同).依赖于此类新 API 和概念的应用无法在 Windows 8.1 上运行.此外,Windows 10 通用应用程序的应用程序模型和许多打包机制与 Windows 8.1 大不相同.Windows 8.1 无法成功理解使用此类新信息构建的应用程序进行部署.此外,Store 不会在 Windows 8.1 上提供可供下载的 Windows 10 应用

Windows 10 introduces several new APIs and concepts (such as API contracts) that are not available on Windows 8.1. An app that relies on such new APIs and concepts cannot run on Windows 8.1. Additionally the app-model and a lot of packaging machinery for Windows 10 Universal apps is very different from Windows 8.1. Apps built with such new information cannot be successfully understood by Windows 8.1 for deployment. Also, Store will not make the Windows 10 apps available for download on Windows 8.1