
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-07 10:44:58


For now, you may run the following steps:


apt-get download cassandra


2) Install the deb file, ignoring the dependencies

sudo dpkg --force-depends -i cassandra_3.5_all.deb

显然,你应该确保满足所有其他依赖关系。 python-support 已经包含在默认的服务器安装中,所以不用担心,但是python本身可能还没有安装在你的系统上,所以你应该运行下面的 BEFORE dpkg -i ...

Obviously, you should make sure that all the other dependencies are satisfied. The python-support is already included in a default server installation, so no worries, however, python itself may not yet be installed on your system, so you should run the following BEFORE the dpkg -i ...:

sudo apt-get install python

查看在您尝试安装它之前,您可以使用 -I 选项,如:

To see the Depends: ... of the .deb before you try to install it, you may use the -I option as in:

dpkg -I cassandra_3.5_all.deb

在Cassandra 3.5的情况下,我看到以下内容:

In case of Cassandra 3.5, I see the following:

Depends: openjdk-8-jre-headless | java8-runtime, adduser, python (>= 2.7), python-support (>= 0.90.0)

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So you could first run the following to make sure all dependencies are indeed satisfied:

sudo apt-get install adduser python oracle-java8-installer

或者如果你想使用OpenJDK(NOT TESTED) p>

or if you want to use the OpenJDK (NOT TESTED):

sudo apt-get install adduser python default-jre