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C ++或C POW给出错误的结果

更新时间:2022-12-07 17:23:35


Ignacio's answer already mentions using logarithms. But we ultimately end up using exp() which again is a library function. So if you don't want to use library functions at all, then you have to resort to something like Taylor's expansion of x^y

正如伊格纳西奥(Ignacio)所述,base^power = exp( power*ln(base) )是泰勒对x^y展开式的直接评估是乏味的.而且泰勒对e ^ x的扩展非常简单,对于 ln(x)也非常简单.两者都可以在C中简单地进行迭代/递归实现.

As direct evaluation of Taylor's expansion for x^y is tedious, as Ignacio mentioned, base^power = exp( power*ln(base) ). And taylor's expansion for e^x is quite simple and that for ln(x) is also very simple. Both of them yield for simple interative/recursive implementation in C


Here is a simple implementation of e^x using the above Taylor's expansion

double pow_x ( double x , unsigned i )
       double prod=1;
       if ( i == 0 )
          return 1;
       while ( i )
       return prod;

long long factorial ( unsigned n )
     if ( n == 0 )
        return 1;

     return n * factorial (n-1);

double expo ( double x, int terms )
       /* terms tells us how long should we expand the taylor's series */
       double sum=0;
       unsigned i=0;
       while ( i< terms )
             sum+= pow_x(x,i)/factorial(i);
       return sum;


I hope, using this example, you can implement ln(x) on your own.