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Maven 2可以在同一项目中使用构建插件的两个不同版本吗?

更新时间:2022-12-07 19:32:34


You must not declare the same plugin twice in your POM. What is possible is to use one <plugin> block with two <executions> but this won't solve your issue so, no, there is no way to achieve what you want.

但是您是否测试了gwt-maven-plugin 1.2发行候选版?它已在今天 http://people.apache.org/~nicolas/staging/上提供. ,投票时间为72小时,欢迎进行测试.也许您的问题在此版本中得到了解决(但是不确定,因为您没有提供太多有关该问题的详细信息,而且我也没有在gwt:generateAsync相关的任何问题. codehaus.org/browse/MGWT"rel =" nofollow noreferrer>最近关闭或打开的插件的问题跟踪器.

But did you test the gwt-maven-plugin 1.2 release candidate? It has been made available today here http://people.apache.org/~nicolas/staging/, vote is open for 72h and tests are welcome. Maybe your issue is solved in this version (not sure though as you didn't give much details on the problem and as I didn't find any issue related to gwt:generateAsync in the issue tracker of the plugin that has been recently closed or opened).


If you have a particular problem not listed in the issue tracker, it seems to be the perfect time to make people aware of it, especially if you want it solved in version 1.2. The ball is in your court.