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Intellij IDEA Forge设置错误

更新时间:2022-06-12 00:38:42

检查 idea.log 是否有错误。它可能会因OutOfMemory错误而失败,在这种情况下,您可以尝试增加堆大小Maven Importer (导入程序的VM选项)和 IDE堆大小

Check idea.log for errors. It may fail with OutOfMemory error in which case you can try increasing the heap size for Maven Importer (VM options for importer) and IDE heap size.

如果您在32位JVM上运行,请尝试不超过750-1024m -Xmx 值默认),否则可能会崩溃或无法启动

Try not to exceed 750-1024m for -Xmx value if you are running on a 32-bit JVM (default), otherwise it may crash or fail to start.

如果您需要使用更多堆,请切换到64 -bit Java 并在IntelliJ IDEA设置中为Maven(JDK for importer)指定相同的64位JVM。

If you need to use more heap, switch to 64-bit Java and specify the same 64-bit JVM for Maven (JDK for importer) in IntelliJ IDEA settings.

另一种可能的情况是IDE无法连接到Maven进程。在某些系统上,需要编辑 hosts 文件,以便 localhost 正确解析

Another possible case is if IDE cannot connect to the Maven process. On some systems it's needed to edit the hosts file so that localhost resolves correctly.


There was also a bug caused by Nvidia driver (java process was crashing). Make sure you have the latest driver if this applies to your hardware.

如果上述所有操作无效,请分享您的 idea.log file。

If all the above doesn't help, share your idea.log file.


Note that indexing repositories is not required for working with a project, but it may indicate that Maven fails to work for one of the reasons above (or some other). See if the dependencies for the project were imported and if you can build the imported project in IDEA.


Some repositories cannot be indexed at all, in this case just ignore the error.