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Chrome 文件上传错误:更改事件不会对同一个文件执行两次

更新时间:2022-12-09 17:08:37

是的.我的 Chrome 与 Firefox 的行为不同,但我认为 Chrome 是正确的.

Yes. My Chrome has different behavior to Firefox, but I think Chrome is correct.

根据 W3C 的文档:

onchange 事件发生在控件失去输入焦点并且其值在获得焦点后被修改时发生

onchange event occurs when a control loses the input focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus


if you try to upload the same file, the value of file input does not change. Try to print it out:

    console.log($(".list .upload-file").val())
    return false;