
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-12 23:15:49

软件包 miniCRAN 可以帮助解决此问题。您将 miniCRAN 告诉您要安装的软件包列表,然后找出依赖关系,下载这些软件包,并在本地计算机上创建一个行为类似于CRAN的存储库,即它尊重 install.packages()等。

The package miniCRAN can help with this. You tell miniCRAN the list of packages you would ever want to install, it then figures out the dependencies, downloads those packages and creates a repository on your local machine that behaves like CRAN, i.e. it respects install.packages() etc.



我们正在积极开发 miniCRAN 。跟踪进度并在 github miniCRAN存储库中找到最新的开发版本

We are actively developing miniCRAN. Track progress and find the latest development version at github miniCRAN repository

请参阅项目Wiki ,以获取演示文稿,博客文章等的链接

See the project wiki for links to presentations, blog posts and more

要从本地 miniCRAN 存储库安装选项。

To install from the local miniCRAN repository, you have two options.

  1. 首先,您可以使用URI约定 file:/// 。例如

install.packages("ggplot2", repos="file:///path/to/file/")

  • 或者,您可以将目标配置为HTTP服务器,并通过URL使存储库可用。在这种情况下,您的本地存储库的外观和感觉完全类似于CRAN镜像,只是它只包含所需的软件包。

  • Alternatively, you can configure the destination as an HTTP server and make your repository available via a URL. In this case, your local repository will look and feel exactly like a CRAN mirror, other than it only contains your desired packages.