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AngularJS $http 和 $resource

更新时间:2022-12-14 09:39:26

$http 用于通用 AJAX.在大多数情况下,这就是您将要使用的.使用 $http,您将手动进行 GETPOSTDELETE 类型调用并处理对象他们自己回来.

$http is for general purpose AJAX. In most cases this is what you'll be using. With $http you're going to be making GET, POST, DELETE type calls manually and processing the objects they return on your own.

$resource 包装 $http 以在 RESTful Web API 场景中使用.

$resource wraps $http for use in RESTful web API scenarios.

笼统地说:RESTful Web 服务将是一种具有一个数据类型端点的服务,该数据类型基于 GETPOST等 HTTP 方法对该数据类型执行不同的操作code>、PUTDELETE 等.所以使用$resource,你可以调用GET 来获取资源作为 JavaScript 对象,然后更改它并使用 POST 将其发送回,甚至使用 DELETE 将其删除.

Speaking VERY generally: A RESTful web service will be a service with one endpoint for a data type that does different things with that data type based on HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. So with a $resource, you can call a GET to get the resource as a JavaScript object, then alter it and send it back with a POST, or even delete it with DELETE.


... if that makes sense.