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Slick:有没有办法用正则表达式创建 WHERE 子句?

更新时间:2022-12-15 14:44:07

(这个答案是在 Slick: How can I combine带有 SQL IN 语句的 SQL LIKE 语句)

尽管 Slick 不支持开箱即用的 ~* 运算符,但您可以自己添加它.这将为您提供一种使用提升嵌入样式的 Slick 查询来执行查询的方法.

Although Slick doesn't support the ~* operator out of the box, you can add it yourself. That would give you a way to execute the query using the lifted embedded style of Slick query.

为此,您可以使用 SimpleExpression 构建器.关于它的文档不多,但起点是 标量数据库函数 参考手册页.

To do that, you can use the SimpleExpression builder. There's not much documentation on it, but the jumping off point would be the Scalar Database Functions page of the reference manual.


What we want to do is write a method along these lines:

def find(names: Seq[String]): DBIO[Seq[String]] = {
  val pattern = names.mkString("|")
  users.filter(_.lastName regexLike pattern).map(_.lastName).result

要获得 regexLike,我们可以使用丰富(增强,pimp")字符串列来拥有 regexLike 方法:

To get regexLike we can use a enrich (enhance, "pimp") a string column to have the regexLike method:

implicit class RegexLikeOps(s: Rep[String]) {
  def regexLike(p: Rep[String]): Rep[Boolean] = {
    val expr = SimpleExpression.binary[String,String,Boolean] { (s, p, qb) =>
      qb.sqlBuilder += " ~* "

隐式类部分允许编译器在任何时候有一个Rep[String]调用一个方法来构造RegexLikeOpsRep[String] 还没有(即,当要求 regexLike 时).

The implicit class part is allow the compiler to construct the RegexLikeOps class anytime it has a Rep[String] that calls a method that Rep[String] doesn't already have (i.e., when regexLike is asked for).

我们的 regexLike 方法采用另一个 Rep[String] 参数作为模式,然后使用 SimpleExpression 构建器安全地构建我们想要的 SQL使用.

Our regexLike method takes another Rep[String] argument as the pattern, and then uses SimpleExpression builder to safely construct the SQL we want to use.


Putting it all together we can write:

val program = for {
  _ <- users.schema.create
  _ <- users ++= User("foo") :: User("baz") :: User("bar") :: Nil
  result <- find( Seq("baz","bar") )
} yield result

println( Await.result(db.run(program), 2.seconds) )

生成的 SQL(在我的 H2 测试中)是:

The SQL generated (in my test with H2) is:

select "last_name" from "app_user" where "last_name" ~* 'baz|bar'
