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更新时间:2022-12-15 21:42:51


When to use Task.Run, when to use async- await and when to use them in combination


I have an entire blog series on the subject, but in summary:

  • 对于具有UI的应用程序,使用 Task.Run 将CPU绑定(或阻止)工作移出UI线程.
  • 使用 async / await 进行I/O绑定工作.
  • Use Task.Run to move CPU-bound (or blocking) work off of the UI thread for apps with a UI.
  • Use async/await for I/O-bound work.

在其他一些罕见的情况下,使用 Task.Run async 很有用,但是以上两点为大多数情况提供了指导.

There are some more rare cases where Task.Run or async can be useful, but the two points above provide guidance for most situations.


Does Task.Run means background thread will behave as a blocking thread?

Task.Run 实际上可以同步或异步运行,但是它确实使用线程池线程.

Task.Run can actually run synchronously or asynchronously, but it does use thread pool threads.

我正在尝试在.net 4.5中创建桌面控制台应用程序

i am trying to create a desktop console application in .net 4.5


Trying to download multiple large images from internet. How should i use these keywords in combination and why?

这是非UI应用程序中受I/O约束的操作,因此,您绝对应该首选 async / await .

This is an I/O-bound operation in a non-UI app, so you should definitely prefer async/await.