
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-18 17:55:38

您可以随时选择不同的 buildVariant buildVariant窗口在Android工作室。然后,如果你preSS运行/播放键,你应该能够上安装和设备/模拟器中运行的应用程序。

You can always select a different buildVariant from the buildVariant window on Android Studio. And then if you press the run/play button you should be able to install and run the app on your device/emulator.


,也为我跑 gradlew终端上安装** 不启动应用程序。 如果这是你正在寻找再看看 build.gradle buildhelper.gradle here

And also for me running gradlew install** on the terminal does not launch the app. If that's something you are looking for then take a look at build.gradle and buildhelper.gradle here