
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-19 17:43:55

If your JSON is something like this:-

  feed-items: {
     feedItem1 :{
          feedText : "This is feed1",
          feedLikes : {uid1 : "true",
                       uid2 : "true"
       feedItem2 :{
          feedText : "This is feed2",
          feedLikes : {uid13 : "true",
                       uid2 : "true"
         feedItem3 :{
          feedText : "This is feed4",
          feedLikes : {uid4 : "true",
                       uid10 : "true"

Before retrieving you will have to check if the user had already liked this post, and set the state of the like button accordingly:-

For storing the retrieved dictionary use:-

struct feed {

    var feedLikes : NSMutableDictionary!
    var feedText : String!
    var doILikeThisPost : Bool!
    var feedNameI : String!

    init(likes:NSMutableDictionary!, feed : String!, likeTisPost : Bool!, feedNM : String!){

        self.doILikeThisPost = likeTisPost
        self.feedLikes = likes
        self.feedText = feed
        self.feedNameI = feedNM


In your tableViewController:-

import UIKit
import Firebase
class customTableViewController : UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate ,UITableViewDataSource{

var feedD = [feed]()
@IBOutlet wear var customTableView : UITableView!

override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
    customTableView.delegate = self
     customTableView.dataSource = self


func retrieveTheData(){

    FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("feed-items").observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: {(allFeeds) in

        if let feedDict = allFeeds.value as? [String: AnyObject]{

            for each in feedDict{

                if let feedLikesDict = each.1["feedLikes"] as? NSMutableDictionary{

                    if feedLikesDict[currentUerID] != nil{

                        let temp = feed.init(likes: feedLikesDict, feed: each.1["feedText"] as! String, likeTisPost: true, feedNM : each.0)
                        self.feedD.insert(temp, atIndex: 0)

                        let temp = feed.init(likes: feedLikesDict, feed: each.1["feedText"] as! String, likeTisPost: false, feedNM : each.0)
                        self.feedD.insert(temp, atIndex: 0)

                    let temp = feed.init(likes: nil, feed: each.1["feedText"] as! String, likeTisPost: false, feedNM : each.0)
                    self.feedD.insert(temp, atIndex: 0)




func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
    return 1

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return feedD.count ?? 0

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell = self.customTableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("CELL") as! customCell

    if feedD[indexPath.row].doILikeThisPost == true{

        cell.feedLikeBtn.selected = true
        cell.feedTextPost = feedD[indexPath.row].feedText
        cell.feedName = feedD[indexPath.row].feedNameI
        cell.parentTableViewController = self
        cell.indexPathForRow = indexPath.row

        cell.feedLikeBtn.selected = false
        cell.feedTextPost = feedD[indexPath.row].feedText
        cell.feedName = feedD[indexPath.row].feedNameI
        cell.parentTableViewController = self
         cell.indexPathForRow = indexPath.row

    return cell


You customTableViewCell:-

class customCell : UITableViewCell{

@IBOutlet weak var feedLikeBtn : UIButton!
var feedTextPost = String()
var feedName = String()
var indexPathForRow : Int!

var parentTableViewController : customTableViewController!

@IBAction func likeBtn(sender:UIButton!){

    if sender.selected == false{

        FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("feed-items").child(feedName).child("feedLikes").updateChildValues([currentUserID : "true"])
        self.parentTableViewController.feedD[self.indexPathForRow].feedLikes.setObject("true", forKey: currentUserID)
        self.parentTableViewController.feedD[self.indexPathForRow].doILikeThisPost = true

    }else if sender.selected == true{

        self.parentTableViewController.feedD[self.indexPathForRow].doILikeThisPost = false




Also see :-https://***.com/a/39458044/6297658

