
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-08-30 01:21:59


To address the questions as whole, and not just this particular scenario, I think we all want to know....

例如,如C#语言,还有一套predefined函数类型接受任何数量的参数有一个可选的返回类型(的 Func键和的动作的每一个上升到不同类型的16个参数 T1 T2 T3 ... T16 ),但在JDK 8我们所拥有的是一套不同的功能接口,与的不同的的名称和不同的方法的名称,而其抽象方法重新present一个子集,众所周知的功能arities (即零元,一元,二元,三元等)。然后,我们必须处理的原始类型的案件发生爆炸,甚至有造成更多的功能接口的爆炸其他场景。

For instance, in a language like C#, there is a set of predefined function types accepting any number of arguments with an optional return type (Func and Action each one going up to 16 parameters of different types T1, T2, T3, ..., T16), but in the JDK 8 what we have is a set of different functional interfaces, with different names and different method names, and whose abstract methods represent a subset of well known function arities (i.e. nullary, unary, binary, ternary, etc). And then we have an explosion of cases dealing with primitive types, and there are even other scenarios causing explosion of more functional interfaces.

所以,在某种程度上,这两种语言某种形式的接口污染(或C#委托污染)之苦。唯一的区别是,在C#它们都具有相同的名称。在Java中,遗憾的是,由于类型擦除,有函数℃之间没有差异; T1,T2> 功能< T1,T2,T3> 功能< T1,T2,T3,...... Tn的> 左右,显然,我们不能简单地命名他们都以同样的方式,我们必须拿出所有可能的创意的名字类型的功能组合。

So, in a way, both languages suffer from some form of interface pollution (or delegate pollution in C#). The only difference is that in C# they all have the same name. In Java, unfortunately, due to type erasure, there is no difference between Function<T1,T2> and Function<T1,T2,T3> or Function<T1,T2,T3,...Tn>, so evidently, we couldn't simply name them all the same way and we had to come up with creative names for all possible types of function combinations.

别以为专家组没有这个问题作斗争。在作者Brian Goetz在拉姆达邮件列表的话:

Don't think the expert group did not struggle with this problem. In the words of Brian Goetz in the lambda mailing list:

  并不是说我不喜欢函数类型 - 我爱函数类型 -

[...] As a single example, let's take function types. The lambda strawman offered at devoxx had function types. I insisted we remove them, and this made me unpopular. But my objection to function types was not that I don't like function types -- I love function types -- but that function types fought badly with an existing aspect of the Java type system, erasure. Erased function types are the worst of both worlds. So we removed this from the design.


But I am unwilling to say "Java never will have function types" (though I recognize that Java may never have function types.) I believe that in order to get to function types, we have to first deal with erasure. That may, or may not be possible. But in a world of reified structural types, function types start to make a lot more sense [...]

该方法的优点是,我们可以定义我们自己的接口类型与方法接受尽可能多的论据,我们想,我们可以使用它们来创建拉姆达前pressions和方法的引用,因为我们认为合适的。换句话说,我们的污染世界的力量的使用还甚至更多的新功能接口。此外,我们甚至可以在早期版本的JDK接口或更早版本的我们自己的API定义的SAM类型,如这些创造拉姆达前pressions。所以现在我们必须使用的Runnable 可赎回的功能接口。

An advantage of this approach is that we can define our own interface types with methods accepting as many arguments as we would like, and we could use them to create lambda expressions and method references as we see fit. In other words, we have the power to pollute the world with yet even more new functional interfaces. Also we can create lambda expressions even for interfaces in earlier versions of the JDK or for earlier versions of our own APIs that defined SAM types like these. And so now we have the power to use Runnable and Callable as functional interfaces.


However, these interfaces become more difficult to memorize since they all have different names and methods.

不过,我想知道那些他们为什么没有解决的问题在Scala中,定义诸如 Function0 功能1 接口之一code>,功能2 ... 功能N 。或许,我可以拿出对抗,唯一的理由是,他们希望最大限度地定义在早期版本的API的接口拉姆达前pressions的可能性,前面提到的。

Still, I am one of those wondering why they didn't solve the problem as in Scala, defining interfaces like Function0, Function1, Function2, ..., FunctionN. Perhaps, the only argument I can come up with against that is that they wanted to maximize the possibilities of defining lambda expressions for interfaces in earlier versions of the APIs as mentioned before.

所以,看样子类型擦除是一个在这里推动力。但如果你是那些想知道的一个,为什么我们还需要具有类似名称和方法签名,其唯一的区别是使用原始类型的所有这些额外的功能接口,然后让我提醒你,在Java中,我们 缺乏值类型的像那些在如C#语言。这意味着,在我们的通用类使用的通用的类型只能是参考的类型,而不是原始类型。

So, evidently type erasure is one driving force here. But if you are one of those wondering why we also need all these additional functional interfaces with similar names and method signatures and whose only difference is the use of a primitive type, then let me remind you that in Java we also lack of value types like those in a language like C#. This means that the generic types used in our generic classes can only be reference types, and not primitive types.


In other words, we can't do this:

List<int> numbers = asList(1,2,3,4,5);


But we can indeed do this:

List<Integer> numbers = asList(1,2,3,4,5);


The second example, though, incurs in the cost of boxing and unboxing of the wrapped objects back and forth from/to primitive types. This can become really expensive in operations dealing with collections of primitive values. So, the expert group decided to create this explosion of interfaces to deal with the different scenarios. To make things "less worse" they decided to only deal with three basic types: int, long and double.

引用作者Brian Goetz的话在拉姆达邮件列表

Quoting the words of Brian Goetz in the lambda mailing list:


[...] More generally: the philosophy behind having specialized primitive streams (e.g., IntStream) is fraught with nasty tradeoffs. On the one hand, it's lots of ugly code duplication, interface pollution, etc. On the other hand, any kind of arithmetic on boxed ops sucks, and having no story for reducing over ints would be terrible. So we're in a tough corner, and we're trying to not make it worse.


Trick #1 for not making it worse is: we're not doing all eight primitive types. We're doing int, long, and double; all the others could be simulated by these. Arguably we could get rid of int too, but we don't think most Java developers are ready for that. Yes, there will be calls for Character, and the answer is "stick it in an int." (Each specialization is projected to ~100K to the JRE footprint.)

  没有IntStream.into(),如阿列克谢指出。 (如果有,
  地图为int的过载 - &GT; T,不为INT函数的专业化
   - &GT; T等)[...]

Trick #2 is: we're using primitive streams to expose things that are best done in the primitive domain (sorting, reduction) but not trying to duplicate everything you can do in the boxed domain. For example, there's no IntStream.into(), as Aleksey points out. (If there were, the next question(s) would be "Where is IntCollection? IntArrayList? IntConcurrentSkipListMap?) The intention is many streams may start as reference streams and end up as primitive streams, but not vice versa. That's OK, and that reduces the number of conversions needed (e.g., no overload of map for int -> T, no specialization of Function for int -> T, etc.) [...]


We can see that this was a difficult decision for the expert group. I think few would agree that this is cool, and most of us would most likely agree it was necessary.


There was a third driving force that could have made things even worse, and it is the fact that Java supports two type of exceptions: checked and unchecked. The compiler requires that we handle or explicitly declare checked exceptions, but it requires nothing for unchecked ones. So, this creates an interesting problem, because the method signatures of most of the functional interfaces do not declare to throw any exceptions. So, for instance, this is not possible:

Writer out = new StringWriter();
Consumer<String> printer = s -> out.write(s); //oops! compiler error

它不能这样做,因为操作抛出一个checked异常(即 IOException异常),但的签名消费者方法不声明它抛出的任何异常都没有。所以,对这个问题的唯一解决方案将是创造更多的接口,宣布一些例外,有些不是(或拿出在语言水平的例外透明度。同样,把事情少雪上加霜专家组决定什么也不做,在这种情况下。

It cannot be done because the write operation throws a checked exception (i.e. IOException) but the signature of the Consumer method does not declare it throws any exception at all. So, the only solution to this problem would have been to create even more interfaces, some declaring exceptions and some not (or come up with yet another mechanism at the language level for exception transparency. Again, to make things "less worse" the expert group decided to do nothing in this case.

在作者Brian Goetz在拉姆达邮件列表的话

In the words of Brian Goetz in the lambda mailing list:


[...] Yes, you'd have to provide your own exceptional SAMs. But then lambda conversion would work fine with them.


The EG discussed additional language and library support for this problem, and in the end felt that this was a bad cost/benefit tradeoff.


Library-based solutions cause a 2x explosion in SAM types (exceptional vs not), which interact badly with existing combinatorial explosions for primitive specialization.

  我们要继续解决方案的探索 - 尽管显然不是

The available language-based solutions were losers from a complexity/value tradeoff. Though there are some alternative solutions we are going to continue to explore -- though clearly not for 8 and probably not for 9 either.

  你得到你的工作完成。 [...]

In the meantime, you have the tools to do what you want. I get that you prefer we provide that last mile for you (and, secondarily, your request is really a thinly-veiled request for "why don't you just give up on checked exceptions already"), but I think the current state lets you get your job done. [...]


So, it's up to us, the developers, to craft yet even more interface explosions to deal with these in a case-by-case basis:

interface IOConsumer<T> {
   void accept(T t) throws IOException;

static<T> Consumer<T> exceptionWrappingBlock(IOConsumer<T> b) {
   return e -> {
    try { b.accept(e); }
    catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); }


Writer out = new StringWriter();
Consumer<String> printer = exceptionWrappingBlock(s -> out.write(s));

也许,在未来(或许JDK 9)当我们支持值类型在Java中并具体化,我们就能摆脱(或至少不再需要再使用)有些多个接口。

Probably, in the future (maybe JDK 9) when we get Support for Value Types in Java and Reification, we will be able to get rid of (or at least no longer need to use anymore) some of these multiple interfaces.

综上所述,我们可以看到,专家组与几个设计问题挣扎。的需要,要求或约束,以保持向后兼容性使事情困难,那么我们有像缺少值类型,类型擦除等重要条件和检查的异常。要是Java第一,缺乏其他两个JDK 8的设计可能会有所不同。所以,我们都必须明白,这些都是棘手的问题,有很多的权衡和EG不得不某处画一条线,并作出决定。

In summary, we can see that the expert group struggled with several design issues. The need, requirement or constraint to keep backwards compatibility made things difficult, then we have other important conditions like the lack of value types, type erasure and checked exceptions. If Java had the first and lacked of the other two the design of JDK 8 would probably have been different. So, we all must understand that these were difficult problems with lots of tradeoffs and the EG had to draw a line somewhere and make a decisions.