
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-22 22:00:12

当前MacOS安装的问题。您可以调整 setup.py ,并按照警告提示将 -std = libc ++ 添加到编译选项中,即

This is a special issue with current MacOS-installations. You could tweak setup.py and add, as the warning suggest, -std=libc++ to the compile-options, i.e.

from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize

...  some stuff

#passing `-stdlib=libc++` to compiler and linker:
ext_modules = [Extension(...,
                         extra_compile_args=["-stdlib=libc++"], # + anything else you need
                         extra_link_args= ["-stdlib=libc++"] # + anything else you need]

... some more stuff

我还添加了 -stdlib = libc ++ 到链接器选项,因为这可能是您将遇到的下一个问题。

I have also added -stdlib=libc++ to the linker options, because it will be probably the next problem you will run into.

更多背景:在MacOS世界中,长期存在其中c ++标准库的两种不同实现: -libstdc ++ gcc libc ++ 相关联code >与 clang 关联。开始时, -libstdc ++ 也默认使用 clang -compiler。但是,情况不再如此-甚至现在都没有安装,这就是找不到标头的原因。我不确定为什么您的 clang 版本不会默认使用 libc ++ -因此您必须通过它手动添加到编译器/链接器。

More background: In the MacOS world, for long time, there where two different implementations of c++'s standard library: -libstdc++ associated with gcc and libc++ associated with clang. At the beginning-libstdc++ was also used per default with clang-compiler. However, this is no longer the case - it is not even installed now and that is the reason why the headers cannot be found. I'm not sure why your clang-version doesn't take libc++ per default - so you have to pass it manually to compiler/linker.