
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-23 13:59:44

尽管我将很快在自己的应用程序中对此进行尝试,但我自己尚未对其进行测试.如果您查看 UIImagePickerController showsCameraControls 文档,它暗示着一个事实,即如果您取消相机控制按钮,则可以拍摄任意数量的照片.

I haven't tested this myself, though I'll be attempting this in my own application shortly. If you take a look at the UIImagePickerController showsCameraControls documentation, it alludes to the fact that if you eliminate the camera controls you can take as many photos as you want.

因此,从理论上讲,如果将showsCameraControls设置为NO,并分配自己的cameraOverlayView UIView来让用户拍照,则可以关闭图像选择器,而不会显示预览视图.

So theoretically if you set showsCameraControls to NO, and assign your own cameraOverlayView UIView to let the user take a photo, you can dismiss the image picker without the preview view from showing.