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如何在OSX Lion for Maven项目上使用xvnc配置jenkins

更新时间:2022-05-14 02:36:11


I'm hitting the same sort of problem, and I think it may actually be impossible.

问题是OSX上运行的Firefox/Chrome版本适用于OSX,而​​不是普通" X11-因此,即使您运行X11服务器并使用xvfb/xvnc/并传递DISPLAY =:123 ,Firefox/Chrome不在乎,因为它们不是基于X的,而是基于Carbon/Cocoa的.

The problem is that the versions of Firefox/Chrome that run on OSX are for OSX, not "plain" X11 -- so even if you run the X11 server and use xvfb / xvnc / whatever and pass in DISPLAY=:123, Firefox/Chrome don't care, because they're not X-based, they're Carbon/Cocoa-based.


You can confirm this yourself as follows:

  1. 运行X11服务器(通过Spotlight)
  2. 在新的xterm中,键入"xhost +"(请确保输入)
  3. xvfb -br -screen 0 1280x1024x24:123123&
  4. 现在您在显示屏123123上有了一个新的帧缓冲区-在那运行一个xterm:
  5. DISPLAY =:123123 xterm&
  6. 主屏幕上什么都没有出现,因为该新xterm位于后台.检查它是否存在:
  7. xlsclients -display:123123
  8. 您将看到一个条目,即您在其中生成的xterm.
  9. 现在使用浏览器尝试一下:
  10. DISPLAY =:123123/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox
  11. ...,并且Firefox仍显示在您的主屏幕上.

  1. Run X11 server (from spotlight)
  2. in the new xterm, type "xhost +" (just to make sure)
  3. xvfb -br -screen 0 1280x1024x24 :123123 &
  4. Now you have a new framebuffer on display 123123 -- run an xterm on there:
  5. DISPLAY=:123123 xterm &
  6. Nothing appeared on your main screen, because that new xterm, is in the background. Check it's there:
  7. xlsclients -display :123123
  8. You'll see one entry, the xterm you spawned on there.
  9. Now try it with a browser:
  10. DISPLAY=:123123 /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox
  11. ...and Firefox still shows up on your main screen.

您可以通过其他方法进行检查-如果您执行"DISPLAY =:123123 xcalc",则xcalc将不会出现在主屏幕上,但是它将显示在xlsclients的事物列表中,因为它是X-基于.

You can check this with other things -- if you do "DISPLAY=:123123 xcalc", xcalc won't appear on the main screen, but it will show up in the list of things from xlsclients, because it's X-based.

但是,如果您尝试"DISPLAY =:123123/Applications/Calculator/Contents/MacOS/Calculator",则OSX计算器将显示在主屏幕上,因为它不是基于X的.

But if you try "DISPLAY=:123123 /Applications/Calculator/Contents/MacOS/Calculator", the OSX calculator shows up on the main screen, because it's not X-based.


(another possible solution is to use selenium server, but our web app breaks selenium server so that's not an option for us -- in the end, I switched to using a Windows-based Jenkins install, where selenium and chromedriver works fine when run from Jenkins).