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有没有办法在 iTunes Connect 中完全自动化 iOS 应用内购买的创建/编辑/删除?

更新时间:2022-12-31 09:47:23

是的,有.它是 Spaceship - fastlane 使用网络抓取与 Apple 的网络服务交互.

Yes, there is. It's Spaceship - a ruby gem part of fastlane that uses web scraping to interact with Apple's web services.

我在不到 10 分钟的时间内通过屏幕截图向 ITC 添加了 45 个 IAP:

I added 45 IAPs to ITC in under 10 minutes with screenshots and all by:

  • 使用我的 IAP 数据创建 .csv 文件
  • 使用上传 IAP 的 fastlane 制作 ruby​​ 脚本


Instructions on how to do the same I did: https://goodkindoflazy.com/2017/12/11/automating-iap-creation-in-itunes-connect/


The gist of it is this, which I found in this blogpost:

    type: Spaceship::Tunes::IAPType::NONCONSUMABLE, 
    versions: {
      "en-US" => {
        name: "Display name",
        description: "Description has at least 10 characters"
    reference_name: "IAP reference name",
    product_id: "com.your.app.consumable",
    cleared_for_sale: true,
    review_notes: "A note for a reviewer",
    review_screenshot: "/Users/you/Desktop/iap.jpg", 
          country: "WW",
          begin_date: nil,
          end_date: nil,
          tier: 1