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Google Play/App Store应用内购买政策

更新时间:2022-12-31 10:58:34

标准的30%交易费适用于Google Play上的应用内交易,并分配给发行合作伙伴和运营费.

The standard 30% transaction fee applies to in-app transactions on Google Play and goes to the distribution partner and operating fees.

根据 Google Play开发者计划政策 :


  • 提供虚拟商品或货币的开发人员 从Google Play下载的游戏中,必须使用Google Play的 应用内结算服务作为付款方式.
  • 在从Google Play下载的另一类应用中提供其他内容,服务或功能的开发人员,必须使用Google Play的应用内结算服务作为付款方式,但以下除外:>

  • Developers offering virtual goods or currencies within a game downloaded from Google Play must use Google Play's in-app billing service as the method of payment.
  • Developers offering additional content, services or functionality within another category of app downloaded from Google Play must use Google Play's in-app billing service as the method of payment, except: >

  • 主要用于实物商品或服务的付款(例如,购买电影票或购买出版物,其中价格还包括印刷版订阅);或
  • 其中的付款是针对可能在应用本身之外消费的数字内容或商品(例如,购买可以在其他音乐播放器上播放的歌曲).

参考: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-开发人员/answer/112622

通过iOS和OS X上的应用内购买功能,您可以在付费或免费应用中为客户提供其他数字内容,功能,服务甚至订阅.

With In-App Purchase on iOS and OS X, you can offer your customers additional digital content, functionality, services and even subscriptions within your paid or free app.


For example, In-App Purchase will allow you to sell:

  • 数字书籍或照片
  • 其他游戏级别
  • 访问转弯地图服务
  • 订阅数字杂志或新闻通讯
  • Apple服务器上托管的数字内容

您可以使用四种支持的应用内购买项目类别 可以出售:1)内容,2)功能,3)服务和4) 订阅.您必须在以下范围内交付数字商品或服务 您的应用.您不得使用应用内购买来销售实际商品和 服务.

There are four supported categories of In-App Purchase items that you may sell: 1) Content, 2) Functionality, 3) Services, and 4) Subscriptions. You must deliver your digital good or service within your app. You may not use In-App Purchase to sell real-world goods and services.

参考: https://developer.apple. com/in-app-purchase/In-App-Purchase-Guidelines.pdf