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使用iOS 9 Universal Link从Safari打开应用程序

更新时间:2023-01-01 16:42:44


It opens the link within the official Twitter app.

来自 Apple的文档

通用链接可让iOS 9用户在点击链接时打开您的应用 WKWebView和UIWebView视图以及Safari页面中的网站, 除了导致调用openURL:的链接之外,例如那些 发生在邮件,邮件和其他应用中.

Universal links let iOS 9 users open your app when they tap links to your website within WKWebView and UIWebView views and Safari pages, in addition to links that result in a call to openURL:, such as those that occur in Mail, Messages, and other apps.

对于运行9.0之前的iOS版本的用户,请点按 指向您网站的通用链接会在Safari中打开该链接.

For users who are running versions of iOS earlier than 9.0, tapping a universal link to your website opens the link in Safari.