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打开解决方案/文件时,Visual Studio Professional 2013崩溃

更新时间:2022-03-12 02:44:36

对于VS2013: 我时不时遇到类似的问题,而我的解决方法是删除* .suo文件,然后打开解决方案.

For VS2013: I've hit a similar problem every now and then and my fix is to delete the *.suo file and then open the solution.


The only time that has not worked was when an extension was playing up, in which case I opened VS in Safemode using the /safemode switch.

devenv.exe /safemode

使用/log开关(如另一个答案所述)也是一个好主意,如果它确实是行为不当的扩展名,因为它可以帮助您对其进行跟踪.我计算机上的ActivityLog.xml文件的默认位置是"c:\ Users \<用户名> \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \< version> \ ActivityLog.xml",但您也可以指定想要的位置文件为:

Using the /log switch as noted in another answer is also a good idea if it turns out to be a misbehaving extension because that can help you track it down. The default location of the ActivityLog.xml file on my computer is "c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\<version>\ActivityLog.xml" but you can also specify where you want the file to be:

Devenv /log Path\NameOfLogFile


See the documentation for VS2013 (with links to other versions) at: /Log (devenv.exe)


对于VS2015 :相同的解决方案,只是suo文件位于不同的位置. VS2015添加了一个".vs"文件夹.在该文件夹中还有其他文件夹,其中一个名为与您的解决方案相同的名称,在该文件夹中还有另一个名为"v14"的文件夹,在该文件夹中(最后)是一个名为".suo"的文件.删除该文件.

For VS2015: Same solution, just the suo file is in a different place. VS2015 adds a ".vs" folder. Within that folder are other folders, one of which is named the same as your solution, within that folder is another folder named "v14" and within that one (finally) is a file called ".suo". Delete that file.


Example: your solution is called "Whatever". Starting from your "Whatever" folder the path to the suo is:



If you can't see the ".suo" file, remember that it is a hidden file.


I've been using this PowerShell script for a few days to get rid of the .suo files after switching between git branches:

get-childitem -Include .suo -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -Force –Recurse


I've not had any problems with it so far, but no promises that it won't incinerate your laptop :) so use it carefully.

对于VS2017: .suo的路径是:

For VS2017: The path to the .suo is:



My guess is the "v15" will keep incrementing in future releases.

我找到了另一个SO答案,它涵盖了VS问题的其他一些解决方案,例如,如果您使用该工具,则刷新ReSharper缓存:即使创建项目,Visual Studio也会显示错误.

I found another SO answer that covers some other solutions to VS issues, such as flushing the ReSharper cache if you are using that tool: Visual Studio displaying errors even if projects build.

...和VS2019 .suo的路径是:

... And VS2019 The path to the .suo is:



When I started using VS2019 I got a lot of "errors" reported after a successful build of an existing project. The editor didn't like namespaces from other projects within the solution. Closing VS, deleting the .vs folder and restarting VS fixed it.